SL | Real Life | |
Name | Dagmar Bracken | |
Age | 52 | |
Sex | today i am a MAN! Who knows about tomorrow! | Always a man, alas! |
Partner | Not just one! | Yes, someone actually puts up with me, i guess i can't be all that bad. |
Education | Yes, i was educated, although very little of it stuck. | |
Profession | Gad about, incouragable flirt, puppy dog following after two cute Dutch women! | Professor/ chemist |
Country | No, i am a vagabond, drifting from place-to-place with no where to hang my hat. | USA, but thinking globally! |
How did you find out about SL?
It sort of rose out of the noise of modern life - another new technology i tried to avoid dealing with. I finally gave in when it came pre-installed on my new computer. Thanks Computing Department!
Does SL live up to your expectations?
In some ways it does, but there is so much more that can be done here - it is like a new universe just opening. I don't think we have seen a fraction of it's potential. I think people will develop new imagination, hopefully in areas other than sex!
What is according to you the biggest misapprehension concerning SL?
Maybe the technology. There is a lot to know about getting around and interacting with the environment and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to learn it. It helps a lot to have someone show you. My advice is to find two friendly Dutch women who will take pity on a poor newbie (noob?) and show him the ropes.
How many hours per week do you spend in SL?
Too many! 6 hours or more some days! oh! you asked in a week? God, 7 times that!
What are your main activities in SL?
Exploring and meeting people, although more lately just chatting and getting to know people. I hope to learn to build, i have ideas I'd like to try out. I have been doing tutorials and trying to build things but it is slow going and can be pretty lonely! Maybe we need to organize building parties, like the Amish do for building barns.
Do you spend money in SL? If yes, what do you spend it on?
Um...clothes, something i rarely do in RL. Art work, a game or two, not too much yet, i am saving up for that super-delux skin with all the working parts!
Do you earn money in/with SL? If yes, how?
I had a job once but after 10 minutes i only had L$2 and the work was so boring, just sitting in a chair. When i complained to management, they fired me! Now maybe if i could get a job in one of the clubs.... but that goes back to needing the super-delux skin. Maybe I'll make myself a little monkey and music grinder and work the malls....
What do you consider to be a very special place in SL?
Do you consider your avatar's appearance important? What about the appearance of others?
At first no, but lately more so. Unlike online chatting, having an avatar does give us a face. And i think it is just human nature to assign personality to the face. And I do noticed the effect on myself of someone's avater's appearance, especially the walk! WooHoo!
In what way does your avatar resemble you? (appearance/character/activities)
lmao! It doesn't. I can't find an old skin and this one won't let me do wrinkles! And I am so much freeer here - no arthritus (also no emabrassing odors, sounds or incontenance!)!!! I think my avatar resembes my self-image, how i think of myself, more than my actual appearance.
In what way does your avatar differ from you? (appearance/character/activities)
It is younger, more atheletic, witier, sexier, but not as wise. And i think i am better in bed! oops! Can i say that here?
Do you keep SL and RL separate or do they blend?
So far it has been pretty separate but as I tell more people in RL about SL I think it starts to overlap. What happens in SL doesn't seem any less real than "real" life, it is just separate.
Would you recommend SL to a friend? (Why or Why not?)
Do you consider anonymity important?
Well, it all depends on what you're doing, doesn't it? I love to be able to float ideas and explore thoughts, even controversial ones. The anonymity means i can do that freely without it affecting my real life. I think it is important to question and push limits but that is often resticted in real life. I think the question comes when ideas formed in SL move into your RL, can i admit my new world view came from chatting in SL with people from countries all over the world? Then the lack of sources is a problem.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I hope that SL can be much more than just a playground (although important lessons are learned on playgrounds!) It seems such an amazing mechanism for people to come together and share ideas, who knows? maybe we can plant the seed for world peace here!
Did you tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
I think mostly yes. More so than even in real life. RL: "Oh that casserole was great! You must give me the recepe!" as i struggle to swallow the last bite, while in SL:"Oh my, those slacks DO make your ass look HUGE!" Certainly we can play with fantasy and imagination here but in order to connect as real people we have to be (mostly) honest. (Is it truthful to spell check?)
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